After Kristi's brother passed away, Kristi started to experience dreams of him in her sleep.
In the first dream Caleb was visiting her on a step in Israel at the Theatre at Caesarea National Park.
Weeks later, Kristi experienced a second dream of her brother, that to this day she feels was life changing. Prior to this second dream Kristi had, she woke up (in real life) to what seemed like a pounding at her home's front door. Startled, she thought to herself she should call 911. (911 here is significant!) After realizing no one was there, the dogs weren't barking, etc., Kristi fell back asleep. It was shortly thereafter when this second dream began.
In this dream, Kristi asked Caleb "You know you're in Heaven right?" to which Caleb replied - "Yes, everyone is really nice here"; smiled and then touched his heart. Kristi then asked "So what are you up to?" In which Caleb stated back - "I am going to the Sea of Galilee soon"
The next day Kristi woke up and couldn't believe her dreams were referencing Israel once again. The crazy part? Kristi at the time of her dream - didn't even own a US Passport nor had she ever left the United States.
The first dream where he was at the Theatre - he never told her he was in Israel, nor did Kristi know that theater actually existed in real life. After this second dream, where he mentioned the Sea of Galilee, that is where the real life discovery of the theater became known to her.
This gets better....
Kristi's mother Jackie was scheduled to go to Israel, yes ISRAEL a few short days later. What are the odds?
Prior to calling her mom and letting her know about the dreams, Kristi decided to google "the significance of the Sea of Galilee". (Remember the numbers "911" earlier is significant) Guess what Bible Verse popped up?
Isaiah 9:1
Can you believe it?
Kristi called her mom with complete disbelief and in awe of what Jesus was showing her in the dreams. After sharing these dreams with her mom, Jackie decided to not only to find the Theatre at Caesarea National Park but also take Caleb's ashes to the Sea of Galilee and release them exactly where he said he would be.
The video you are about to watch below- is that moment.